
CBD Exercise Recovery Benefits and Risks

  Getting high before exercising can have benefits. I know this from personal experience CBD helps exercise recovery. Others have also reported that the use of cannabis helps, not hinders, fitness activities. The use of cannabis has been associated with a healthier metabolism and, interestingly, increased lung capacity. In fact, according to the United States Anti-Doping Agency, cannabis is a banned substance for competitive athletes exactly because it has “the potential to enhance” performance. Performance is enhanced because cannabis promotes an elevated mood, muscle relaxation, pain and fatigue reduction, and increased focus. Cannabino i ds have the same mood-elevating function as the endorphins that are released with vigorous exercise. The anti-doping rules apply to competitive athletes. But, anyone can experience these positive effects with their fitness program as using cannabis mindfully with fitness programs, at any level, will elevate mood, enhance muscle relaxation, reduce p